Paper Title
Design A Serious Board Game for Student Generated-Question Strategy

The student generated-question (SGQ) strategy engages students in the schema-construction process. However, the SGQ task is complex and difficult, demanding learners to devote cognitive efforts, which may results in students’ anxiety. Scaffolds to assist students in reflecting the quality of their constructed questions and learning from the activity are essential. A serious board game to engage students in reflecting the quality criteria of a good question was developed in this study. 8 college students were invited to play the game after a SGQ workshop and interview as well as observation were conducted to collect their experience in the game. The results indicated that participants kept reflecting the quality criteria of a good question. The results also supported the joyful learning experience, which makes SGQ fun. Recommendation for future research were provided. Keywords - Student Generated-question Strategy, Game-based Learning, A Serious Board Game Design.