Paper Title
Developing English Language Among Primary School Pupils Through The Teaching of Language Arts
Language Arts for young learners is currently taught as part of the primary education curriculum in Malaysia. In line with the Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2025) Language Arts is introduced to help in language development. One of the elective course that Malaysian trainee teachers in the Institute of Teacher Training Education need to attempt during their Bachelor of Education degree programme is Language Arts. This study explored the benefits of using Language Arts to help in English language development among primary pupils (ESL learners). In particular, the aesthetic optic of using artistic dimensions through the use of bibliotheraphy, poetry, short stories and plays and drama were examined. For the purpose of this qualitative research two tools were used: questionnaire survey and post reflection writing to assess 16 trainee teachers’ views on the benefits of blending in Language Arts in developing language. The findings indicated that by adopting Language Arts primary pupils (ESL) showed improvement in learning English language. Hence. it creates opportunities for the learners to develop in language learning. To conclude, this study recommends the need to employ Language Arts to develop English language among primary learners.
Keywords - Language Arts, trainee teachers, language development, aethetic optic, artistic