Paper Title
Teacher Development using the Innovation Through Lesson Study at Border Patrol Police School in Loei Province Area
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the result of teacher development using the innovation through Lesson Study at Border Patrol Police School in Loei Province Area 2) to study teachers’ opinions to English instructional management using lesson study innovation which is qualitative research. The target groups consisted of nine teachers at Border Patrol Police School was randomly and purposively selected. The research instruments consisted of 18 lesson plans based on communicative language teaching, video recorded, camera, observation form, and structured interview form. The data were analyzed by protocol analytic induction, and written in analytics description. The findings reveal the target groups had more confident to think and show their opinions. They had more confident in their teaching and used more English language in the class, active in teaching process, the techniques and principles encouraged students need to learn, also students had participated, enjoy, happy in learning. The most important thing was the reflection step, reflective lessons were reflected about the problem issues happening while teachers were teaching; they found the ways to solve those problems, also improve each lesson plans. Therefore, the lesson plans and teaching processes had some mistakes less than planning and teaching alone. Finally, the result of teachers ‘opinions at Border Patrol Police School in Loei Province Area to English instructional management using lesson study innovation, their behaviors had changed, more confident in teaching English which effected the learners had more confident to talk, act, and good attitude in English subject.
Key words - Lesson Study Innovation, Teacher Development