Paper Title
Development Of Work Instruction Application Software For A Chemical Batch Process Industry
Currently, a batch process manufacturing industry in Thailand is facing production process control problems. For traditional work instruction system, all related production data are commonly provided in paper form using Microsoft word or excel, which are not effective for production instruction. Moreover, it cannot ensure that all operators strictly follow the instruction. The aim of this paper is to develop a work instruction application software based on specific needs of a chemical mixing process. This software is called �MixIT�. It has been implemented in an adhesive and sealant factory in Thailand. Implementation results show that human errors of filling wrong chemicals and inaccurate quantity of ingredients during mixing are greatly reduced. In addition, operators follow the instruction much more strictly since the instruction is clear and the software records all activities that the operators performed on a real time basis. When the instruction is violated, the supervisor will be known immediately.
Index Terms- work instruction system, software, web based services, batch process, chemical mixing.