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Abstract - The process of adapting a text involves transforming it from a single language system into a multimodal composition that incorporates elements like light, stage design, choreography, actor gestures, and music. This transformation differs from traditional translation processes. The focus of this paper is to analyze the stage adaptation of the novel "SevgiliArsızÖlüm" (Dear Shameless Death) by LatifeTekin, which was adapted by Hakan Emre Ünal and performed by NezaketErden, as an instance of intermedial adaptation. To achieve this objective, the study delineates the boundaries and stages involved in adapting literary texts for the stage. It also examines the role of actors in the translation process, explores the parameters for transforming linguistic content into non-linguistic elements, and evaluates the influence of various agents throughout the process. This research follows a qualitative methodology, with data obtained from semi-structured interviews conducted with the director and actors serving as the primary source material. By adopting a multimodal approach, the aim is to comprehensively evaluate the contributions of actors in the transformation of the literary text into a captivating stage production as a form of intermedial adaptation. Keywords - Intersemiotic Translation, Multimodality, Adaptation, Intermediality, Translation, Stage.