Paper Title
Prosthetic Hand using servo motors

Abstract - There are prosthetic hands used by disabled people who lack a hand, but they have no practical use. While they may resemble human hands, these plastic replicas are not functional and cannot aid in regaining lost functionality. We made an electronic prosthetic hand that moves like a natural hand. The fingers are moved by servo motors using signals from neurons. Because it is controlled by the user's brain, like a natural hand, the prosthetic hand offers considerably more functionality than conventional prosthetics. It uses Arduino microcontroller, servo motors, jumper wires, fishing wires, a battery, EMG (Electromyography sensors) and 3D printer. Keywords - Amputee: A person who had a limb cut off by surgical operation, Prosthetic: denoting an artificial body part, CAD (Computer-aided design): The use of computers to aid in the creation or optimization of a design, Flash memory: A kind of memory that retains data in the absence of a power supply.