Paper Title
Analysis of Physico – Chemical Parameters of Bore Well , Well , Pond and Tap Waters Suitable for Drinking Purposes in Dhamnod Town of Dhar District , Madhya Pradesh ( India )

Water is one of the most necessities and obtaining safe drinking water is a serious concern for human health . Seven percent of the global burden of health problems is due to unsafe and insufficient drinking water, as well as poor cleanliness (1) Water is one of the most important of all natural resources known on earth. It is important to all livingorganisms & plants, most ecological systems , human health , food production and economic development . The safety of drinking water is important for the health . The safety of drinking water is affected by various contaminants which included physical and chemical contaminants . Such contaminants can cause serious health problems . Clean drinking water is now recognized as a fundamental right of human beings . Around million people do not have access to clean and safe water and around 2.5 billion people do not have proper sanitation . As a result , around 6 – 8 million people die each year due to water related diseases and disasters . Therefore , water quality control is a top priority policy agenda in many parts of the world . In the today world, the water use in household supplies is commonly defined as a domestic water . This water is processed to be safety for consumed as drinking water and other purposes . Contaminants in the water can affect the water quality and consequently the human health .Water pollution is a serious problem in india as almost 70% of its surface water resources and a growing percentage of its groundwater reserves are contaminated by biological , toxic , organic and inorganic pollutants . According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , about 80% of all diseases in the world are directly or indirectly related to the contamination of water . Water in its natural state is colorless, odourless , and free from pathogens with pH in the range of 6.5 – 8.5 . This water is termed as ‘Potable water’.The present study was aimed to see the water quality of pond water , well water , bore well water & Tap water of Dhamnod town , Dharampuri , Dhar district . Water samples for the present study collected in , Dhamnod were analyzed for physical parameters such as Appearance / color , odour , Turbidity , TDS , Electrical conductivity , Temperature , Taste and chemical parameters such as pH , alkalinity , Dissolved Oxygen [DO] , Carbon dioxide [CO2], Total hardness , chloride , Calcium , Magnesium , Sodium , Potassium , Manganese , Biological Oxygen Demand [BOD] , Chemical oxygen Demand [COD] , Nitrate , Nitrite , Sulphate, Phosphate etc. In the present study , the researchers / authors have made an attempt to assess the physiochemical characteristics of drinking water quality in Dhamnod and the effect of these contaminants on the health of the consumers . Among these four Water samples [ Bore well , Well , Pond and Tap water respectively ] compared , the TDS and electrical conductivity contents were seemed to be lower in pond water as 490 – 695 and in tap waters as 395 – 550 than other two waters of well waters as 1128 & 1611 and bore well water as 1062 & 1517 , respectively . other parameters were found to be fluctuated . It is concluded from this study that the fluctuation of Physico – chemical variations in all the four waters of Dhamnod town showed suitable for irrigation and drinking purposes .In this , a comparison of the parameter Standards as per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) , Indian Standard Specification for drinking water , [ ISI , 1983 ] and the WHO [ Guidelines for drinking water quality , 1984 ] have also been made to understand the national and global benchmarks . With the help of the standards of various parameters given by these organizations , the assessment of water quality of samples from different locations in Dhamnod has been done .The purpose of this study is to mainly determine the current state of Dhamnod water quality . The primary purpose of this study is to determine the quality of drinking water using physiochemical characteristics to ensure that the water is suitable for use in a drinking water monitoring system .All tests were carried out according to the protocols outlined in the morning from different areas of Dhamnod throughout three months from November 2022 – to January 2023.