Paper Title
Reinventing Bachelor of Technology Students: Preparing for Disruptive Technology, and Industry 4.0

The research aims to discover the influence of disruptive technologies and how to handle with such disruption on the teaching and studying in the undergraduate level program in Industrial Technology (B.Tech.), particularly, Manufacturing Technology. This study applied the result of the questionnaires that gather data from a population of 8,149 individuals at the associate engineering level and senior professional engineering levels. Using the Taro Yamane method at a 95 percent confidence to retrieve the sample of 381 associate engineering levels and 108 professional engineering levels. However, in data collection, the total of 99 samples participated in responding questionnaires and interviews. The New QC tools are employed in this research, namely, the Affinity Diagram is engaged to analyze the main reasons why disruptive technology affects the manufacturing professional. By using the Relationship Diagram, a problem structureis determined. Then, the Tree Diagram is used to find the main cause and to understand the relationship between potential causes and effects. The research result reveals that the sample influence by disruptive technologies. Hence, to create a new generation of technologists that can make sharp decisions, they should be well-rounded in both Data Sciences and Engineering Sciences on top of their communication skills and their training in Manufacturing Technology. Keywords - Bachelor of Technology, Disruptive Technology, Industry 4.0.