Paper Title
The Roles of a Comic Book as a Medium for Promoting Health Protocols during Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumedang Regency, Indonesia: A Quasi-Experimental Research (Pre-Test and Post-Test Studies)

The education on health protocol during the COVID-19 pandemic, which targeted a group of primary school-age children in Indonesia, has been used in various ways. A comic is one of the variations implemented, telling stories in picture books. "Sehat Ceria di Masa Pandemi" is a comic that tells the daily life of a child named Jojo and his family who live in Sumedang Regency, Indonesia, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to evaluate the power of comics as a medium for health protocol education in specific groups. This study uses a quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study was divided into three groups: comic intervention group, storyteller intervention group, and control group. The study's findings involving 150 elementary school students showed a considerable increase in the sample's knowledge of the application of health protocols. In the comic intervention group, the sample's knowledge increased by 0.2 points; Meanwhile, in the storyteller intervention group, the sample's knowledge improved by 0.6 points. In conclusion, comics can be used as an educational medium for health promotion for specific groups; moreover, storytellers significantly influence students' knowledge. Keywords - Comic, Health Protocol, Pandemic, Storytelling, Quasi-Experimental.