Paper Title
Investment Feasibility and Risk Analysis of Biogas Power Plant from Palm Oil Mill Effluent

This paper presents investment feasibility analysis for the construction of a biogas power plant from palm oil mill effluent as one of the solutions to reach the Indonesian government’s target. There are six technology schemes that combined palm oil mill effluent processing technologies and biogas power plant technologies in this research, that simulated using SuperPro Designer software so the result would be analyzed to see the feasibility by calculate the economical parameter. The best scheme is combination between CSTR and combined cycle gas turbineemultishaft that produce 45. 919 kWh/day, with net profitability index value of $5.555.420,97, and the internal rate of return is 85,5%, the levelized cost of energy is 1,40 cent/Kwh, the payback period is 1,7 years. The best scheme economical parameter is more sensitive to selling price fluxtuation. The risk analysis using hazard identification study (HAZID) identified 5 high risk hazards, 9 moderate risk hazards, and 6 low risk hazards. The bow tie analysis concluded that biogas as a high-risk hazard can cause the top event occurs, which is biogas leak from CSTR, with 6 possible causes and 16 preventive controls, plus 6 concequences with 17 mitigative controls. Keywords - Biogas Power Plant, Renewable Energy, Risk Analysis, Investment Feasibility, Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME).