Paper Title
Mobile Application Development for Stock Management

The main purpose of this paper is to develop a mobile application for stock management base on the Android platform. This application aims to suggest or specify a suitable stock location for storing stock in warehouse shelving. The stock management system is designed to track incoming/outgoing stock in warehouse shelving and able to monitor stock availability, current stored product locations. Moreover, a stock location will be specified for various types of stock such as perishable products, high turnover inventory product and item group product to keep in warehouse that can be accessed more efficiency. So, the stock location criteria took design based on the small warehouse shelving with 3 level stacks, around 500 shelves. The result of this paper to provide a useful function for warehouse to manage information of stock receipts, stock locations, and stock issue. Furthermore, help improve an effective stock management system to reduce a human error by using a technology that allow inventory data to be stored more accurately and quickly search. Keywords - Enterprise Resource Planning, Warehouse Management System, Stock Location Suggestion, Mobile Device