Paper Title
A Maturity Model for Evaluating and Increasing the Readiness of the Company Within the Concept of Industry 4.0 With A Focus on Internal Logistics Processes

The essence of Industry 4.0 is digitization, expansion of the high-speed Internet, development of smart technologies, communication and many other topics. Today, businesses that want to remain competitive and market-driven must take first steps towards digitization. The Industry 4.0 concept was named after the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which brings these significant changes. Businesses must determine whether they are ready to implement the Industry 4.0 concept, their readiness and maturity assessed by readiness models. This paper focuses primarily on readiness models, which are usually designed to assess the readiness of all areas in the enterprise. The aim is to gradually find a comprehensive description of the internal logistics in the models. That is why models that contain the potential of internal logistics are identified. The result is not only a table with a detailed overview of all models with key attributes but also a design of its readiness model for evaluation of internal logistics processes in several areas. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Maturity Model, Readiness, Internal Logistics, Processes.