Paper Title
Examining Consumer Attitudes Toward Online Marketplaces Through Webqual 4.0 And I.P.A

Standalone websites are no longer enough for product manufacturers. Selling online through e-marketplaces is a great way to build a customer base in another country and to get exposure for brands and products. They benefitby sellers reducing the costs of acquiring new customers and customers by providing a trustworthy, neutral platform where they can find everything they need along with reviews and good deals. Important Performance Analysis was used for assessing consumers’ attitudes towards online marketplaces. WEBQUAL quality dimensions that affect user satisfaction regarding system based-on web, namely Usability Quality, Information Quality and Service Interaction Quality, will be investigated. These qualities were combined with this research’s goal, which is to examine customers’ attitude with Webqual dimensions in online marketplaces. This technique can help managers allocate their resources with more confidence. According to the results, it is proposed that managers could use IPA findings to prioritize their resources, manage costs related to qualities in Quadrant 3 and 4 and reassess their resources. Keywords - E-marketplaces, Consumer Behavior, Important-Performance Analysis, Webqual.