Paper Title
Social Imaginary Around Violence against Women in Sancti SpĂritus, Cuba
This study was carried out with the aim of analyzing the social imaginary around violence against women of three generations of Cubans in a context of sociocultural changes. For this purpose, 28 people from three generations were selected using the Snowball technique, to whom semi-structured interviews and non-participating observation were applied. The data obtained was interpreted from the qualitative paradigm to analyze the contents of this social imaginary. The results showed modifications of this imaginary among the interviewed generations regarding violence against women. Street harassment is naturalized under social norms of acceptance, which responds to beliefs and myths present in the social imaginary that blame the victim. These beliefs were present in the three generations interviewed, although young people remained more uncritical than middle adults and older adults regarding street harassment, soft forms of violence and sexist expectations about both genders. This recoil in the generation of young people coincides with the breakdown of social achievements since the economic crisis of 1990, which suggests that the economic, political and cultural changes that occurred had an unfavorable impact on the visibility and criticism of violence against women.
Keywords - Violence Against Women, Social Imaginary, Myths, Beliefs, Cuba.