Paper Title
Kindergarten Teachers’s Ability in Developing Kindergarten Learning Planning in Kebayoran Baru District

The purpose of this study is to describe the kindergarten teacher’s ability in developing kindergarten learning planning. The method used is descriptive qualitative research method. The subjects in this study were the kindergarten teacher in Kebayoran Baru District. Data collection techniques were carried out using interview sheets, observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction. The results of this study illustrate that the kindergarten teacher’s ability in developing kindergarten learning planning in Kebayoran Baru District is already in the good category because the teachers already understand about the type of learning planning, the principle of preparing learning plan, the minimum number of activities in one day, the approach in preparing activity plan, the 5M extension in the scientific approach, the significance in the principles of preparing the activity plans. It can be seen in the improvement after the pre test and post test. Keywords - Ability, Kindergarten Teacher’s, Learning Planning