Paper Title
Corporations’ And Job Seekers’ Using Intention And WOM (Word-Of-Mouth) Of NCS-Based Job Matching System: Focused On Unified Theoryof Acceptanceand Useoftechnology (UTAUT)

This study designed the job matching system based on the National Competence Standard (NCS). In other words, we proposed an algorithm that can optimize the matching in employment in the n*m situation. We set performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions as the attributes of the NCS based job matching system. Moreover, we tried to examine the relationship between NCS based job matching service attributes, Using Intention and. In addition, this study analyzed how the relationship between NCS based job matching system service attributes and NCS based job matching system Using Intention changes according to the type of service user (corporations, job seekers). The major results of this study are as follows. First, NCS based job matching system attributes have a significant effect on Using Intention. Second, it was found that the intention to use the NCS-based job matching system had a positive effect on WOM. Third, NCS-based job matching system attributes on Using Intention differed depending on the type of service user (corporations, job seekers). Keywords - NCS based job matching system, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, UTAUT, Using Intention, WOM,corporations, job seekers.