Paper Title
A Perennial Review of Timing Covert Channel using Constructive Entropy Approach

A covert timing channel is based on modulation of the timing information in the network packets in a secured communication. The delicacy of this channel is primarily viewed as single coherent channel thwart the detection from any third-party entity or network admin. The timing covert channel is strenuous to detect under many scenarios due to the intricate complexity of the channel. The exploration of timing covert channel shed light on intrinsic design aspects which elevate understanding to an advanced level. This will effectively bring out elite literature aspects of the timing covert channel for seamless implementation. This paper introduces various forms of timing covert channel and their significance in network communication. The paper also refers to standard measures –entropy, covertness index to understand timing covert channel. Index Terms - Channel Encoding, Covert Channel, Covertness Index, Entropy Detection, Subliminal Channel.