Paper Title
Developing Independent Study and Thesis Information System (ITIS) Based on Spiral Model

The objective of this research is to design and develop an information system for design and development of thesis and independent study information system of graduate students. The name of our system is ITIS-Independent Study and Thesis Information System, which will enable graduate student information recording online and printing out forms from the system. The system is developed in the form of Web Application. The languages used for developing the system are HTML, C# with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2017, and JavaScript for website design by designating Bootstrap to work with Internet Information Services (IIS) server and connecting with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SQL Server). This system development serves to cut down paper documents and on the other hand, increases the accuracy in making correction and verification, as well as makes follow-up easier and faster. The system is designed by System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) based on Spiral model which works in a cycle (Analysis-Design-Implementation-Testing), and the cycle will repeat until the system is completed. Our development using SDLC in this model has the most flexibility because 1) completion of one cycle does not necessarily provide a system or part of a system; 2) each cycle of Analysis, Design, Implementation and Testing can vary in length; 3) if not necessary, some steps can be skipped. When a system design is conceptualized, there must be a strategy for implementation to achieve a complete, usable and efficient system. This is called, “Methodology” to achieve a complete product. In other words, it is the application of technologies for development of an efficient system to meet users’ requirements.