Paper Title
Teaching an Undergraduate Negotiation Course using Software: An Experimental Study of a Software Based Teaching (SBT) Methodology

The cross-cultural negotiation course and other related courses have been taught for many years, both at graduate and undergraduate levels, using conventional pedagogical approaches such as classroom-based lectures, material readings, and paper-pencil based group exercises.Unfortunately, often students show lack of enthusiasm, interest, and motivation to actively participate in such learning activities. More so, semester after semester we find students becoming less and less engaged in conventional learning activities designed for them. In such learning atmosphere, as teachers, we find it really challenging and difficult to create and maintain the minimum required interest in students and motivate them to pay attention, asking questions, and participate actively in classroom sessions. Every effort to make our classrooms, learners´ friendly and engaging,turn out to be, most of the times, only energy and time consuming for the teacher making him feel that all his efforts do not have any tangible impact on the learning outcome of the student.Therefore, in this study we propose to use a software-based teaching strategy as an effective mechanism to engage students in a more enjoyable and interactive learning experience. Keywords - Negotiation, negotiation strategies, negotiation tactics; negotiation software, software-based learning.