Paper Title
The Impact of Transnational Cultural Process on the Formation of Rural Family Structure in Sri Lanka

Transnational culture has been refurbished by the modern globalization process. Globalization is an evolutionary process began since the 15thcentury. But theage of transnational culture means the modern globalization starting from 1980.This change has been evaluate as a paradigm shift. This cultural process claims to influence every aspect of the human life. However, there was not any attempt to find out the way and means of rural family structure in the context of Sri Lankan society. As such, a village of Galle District was chosen for this field study. Using random sampling method, the researcher selected fifty family units for the study. The theoretical framework of this research effort would be formed along with the theories of globalization paradigm and structuralism. As such, transnational cultural process has been able to effect some changes only on the surface of the family structure while the opinions on ideological structure of family members remain unchanged. Accordingly, it may be asserted that the family structure in Rejjipura has been created upon a certain model of glocalization. It could develop a synthesis to understand how the Sri Lankan rural community does responds to externally induced transnational cultural process. Keywords - Gender, Globalization paradigm, Glocalization, Transnational culture, Structuralism