Paper Title
Gamified Learning Projects: A Methodological Design for The Education in The Hybrid And Multimodal Culture

This paper results from theoretical-epistemological constructions and technical-methodological ripening developed in the investigations held by Digital Education Research Group (GPe-dU UNISINOS/CNPq). This investigation is based on the following research problem: how the gamification, combined with elements present in the research-intervention cartographic method and in the learning projects can contribute for the development of the inventive methodologies, considering education in the hybrid and multimodal culture? The study objective was to understand the potential of the gamification, of the research-intervention cartographic method and of the learning projects for the development of a more significant methodology for the learning subjects who are part of the hybrid and multimodal culture. The research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive and uses the intervention-research cartographic method. As instruments and materials were used participant observation, logbook, and records in the form of digital text, audio, photography and video. The data were organized, categorized and interpreted from the theoretical framework. As research results can be highlighted the learning situations created in undergraduate and graduate studies, the learning situations created by the subjects in formation in the schools where they work, the conceptual deepening and, finally, the Gamified Learning Projects methodology design. Keywords - Gamification, Cartography, Learning Projects, Hybridism, Multimodality.