Paper Title
Functional Guidelines With Braille Representations With Morphological Investigation for Sightless Children’s Image Books Subtitle: An Innovativeapplication for Unsighted Kid’s Tale Books.

Paper deliberates the usage of typesetting and prevailing braille script together to state a tale. The studyis centered on the training multisensory education through the usage of equipment currently in the marketplace and considered as and complementaryinstructiverespite in the form of braille tale book. Play is anessential component in kid’s life, which is introduced by inherent curiosity. Education will be effortless when it’s performed through play. The reasoning growth is very effective in natural education. This diversereasoninggrowthfollows the cyclic pattern which is defined through Learn, Explore, Experiment and Contribute (LEEC). Nature uses amorphousprocedureto address curiosity and initiates play. At the culminationof the play, children study about themselves and others. Nature addresses this cyclic pattern through its Natural Resources. However the recent concern from the researches pinpoints the deficiencyof collaborationamongst kids and Natural sources. Through the organized methodthese Natural sources can be imitatedin the form of image book to connect the gap. In thismanuscript, Morphological Analysis (MA) is used to plot the available Natural Resources in the form of proportions and its choices. Whileold-style books are produced with lined storytelling can lettoinvestigatethe page spatially, leading to new acquaintancesamongstreader and the book. Index Terms - Braille,Morphological Investigation, Environmental study and play, Inprogress exploration design.