Paper Title
A Study on English Speaking Phobias Among the AUB Students

It has been commonly well-known that most of the learners at the university level face some problems in learning English as a second or foreign language in non-English speaking countries.The aim of this research is to scrutinize the phobias prevailing among the learners of Asian University of Bangladesh and recommend some measures how to overcome their fear of speaking English. With a view to determining the limitations of the learners, and the problems of the teaching learning materials that the students are facing in their daily life,the data has been collected through the research instruments like survey, interviews, group discussion and observation.After a thorough analysis, a recommendation has been made for the learners. However, my anticipation of the result is that the lack of administrative facilities, equipped language class room, appropriate teaching learning methods and supportive environment are the hindrances of speaking English. Key Words - English speaking, Phobias, Teaching learning materials, Lack of administrative facilities, Lack of supportive environment