Paper Title
Reflections On Chinese Urban-Rural Integartion Development Of Qinling-Daba Mountains: The Case Of Lueyang County

Nowadays, China has already entered into the stage of urban-rural integration development. Narrowing the gap between urban and rural development has become an important problem. Due to the big differences of geographical location, natural conditions, development resources, there should be a variety of ways of regional urban-rural integration development. In the practice of urban-rural integration development, many regions of China have formed a development model which concentrated population, industry and land resources in space ("three concentrations"). This "three concentrations" development may have great significance in plain areas, but it has great inadaptability to Qinling-Daba Mountains which has complicated natural conditions. Aiming at the existing problems of Chinese urban-rural integration development, this paper discusses the possible ways to promote the urban-rural integration development in mountainous areas, combines with the specific characteristics and problems of Lueyang County, Shaanxi Province in Qinling-Daba Mountains area. Keywords- Qinling-Dabamountains,Urban-Rural Integration,Circular Economy,Life Circle