Paper Title
Utilization of Swelling Behavior of Waste Sediment from Tap water Filtration Process as a Nontoxic Insecticide for Organic Agriculture

Amounts of food product all around the world has contaminated with several toxic chemical substance such as DDT, but many consumer needs a green organic product for better life. This demand has pushing agriculturer to change traditional methods forward to real organic techniques for nontoxic product. However, organic process have a main problem about highly budget and low productivity. According to this problem, we will propose a novel method to replace chemical method to physical procedure by using a swelling behavior and plasticity property of waste sediment from the tap water filtration process which can be make insecticide for kill insect like a chemical substance can be done. When the insect inhale a dried sediment and small water droplet in its respiratory tube, the mixture of them will be swelling and changing to organic plastic film block up oxygen flow, insects are killed. In laboratory testing has satisfiable result, that cause to expanding testbed to prototype scale in the arigicaltural area for the future. Keywords - Swelling Behavior, Waste Sediment, Nontoxic Insecticide.