Paper Title
Quality Characteristicsof Flour Fromsome Mutant/Recombinant Autumn Wheat Dh Lines

In this study, 10 lines derived from Triticum x Zeacrosses and mutagenesis between two modern winter wheat genotypes (Izvor and F00628-34 line), were evaluated for yield capacity and quality characters of the flour. Highly significant differences were detected among DH lines for all investigated characters and comparative with their parental forms. As concern protein content of the flour, some mutant/recombinant line registered quite high percent: 16.8% – Ai- II 193, 16.5% – Ai- II 172 or 16.3% – Ai – II 126. Values for Zeleny sedimentation indicate also that most of the experimented lines have good flour. Calculation of correlation indices indicates a stronger and positive correlation between protein content and Zeleny index and between hardness and water absorption (0.91). Same stronger, but negative correlation was found between moisture and Zeleny index (-0.91). Key words- variability, DH mutant/recombinant lines, quality characters