Paper Title
Re-Rising of Islam in Turkey (1945-1960)

The modern Turkey was established after disintegration of Ottoman Empire has been based on nationalist and laic principles. The revolutions realized along the long single-party period of CumhuriyetHalkPartisi (republican people's party) provided the religious institutions to be removed from the structure of the state and texture of society There have been significant changes in Turkey's social and economic structure during 2ndWorld War. A social class who became capital owner arisenby making manipulation in the market during the war. There was passed to multi-party system after the war as a result of the pressure of new world order and the demands of new social classes.CumhuriyetHalkPartisi(republican people's party) as the party in power and DemokratParti(dissident democrat party) newly established started to use more religious concepts in their political discourses. The perception of laicism that was applied as from the foundation of the republic was criticized in 7th big party convention of CumhuriyetHalkPartisi(republican people's party). The religion lessons were added firstly to the school programs of primary school and then to secondary schools. Imam Hatip courses (Islamic divinity student’s high-school) were opened. The personnel cadre of Directorate of Religious Affairs was extended and financial opportunities of them were increased.The reforms as women’s rights, civil code and alphabet revolution were brought into question. The cults and communities came alive. In this study, the shape that state-religion relations took between 1945 and 1960 in Turkey and anti-laic movements will be approached. There will be benefited from parliament reports and major newspapers and magazines issued in these years. Keywords: Laicism in Turkey, CumhuriyetHalkPartisi(republican people's party ), DemokratParti(Democrat Party), religious education, cults