Paper Title
Exhaust Gas Energy Harvester

This study is aimed at judicious use of energy by generation of electricity from the exhaust pressure of the IC engine and thus reducing the loss of pressure energy during the exhaust stroke. Thus the exhaust energy harvester can be a good prospect. This invention basically deals with the use of exhaust pressure energy which is wasted during the running process of IC engines. It consists of a turbine similar to the turbine of turbo charger of CI engines in design and composition. The exhaust pressure through the nozzle of exhaust manifold is axially pointed on the turbine which causes rotation of turbine and the pressure energy thus converting into kinetic energy. And this rotating motion of the turbine is converted to electricity with the help of a portable generator thus the pressure energy of the exhaust stroke is used by converting into electricity. Keywords- Harvester, Exhaust pressure, Exhaust Manifold