Paper Title
Questioning Social Media: Is It Really A Progress?

It is widely believed that Internet and social media sites weaken the traditional obstacles to freedom of expression and democratic participation. Internet is seen as a revolutionary progress in the sphere of communication. It is argued that online networks can be used for a variety of aims and people may use online networks without revealing their own identities and express themselves easily. However, not everybody have unlimited access to Internet and there are significant differences among those who have access in terms of literacies, capabilities, speed, etc. Based on these discussions, the main questions sought answers here are; what are the basic problems of social media in relation to online access and privacy as important issues? How can we understand the current forms of access and privacy, considering the dominant modes of surveillance and capital accumulation? On the basis of the answers to these questions, can we consider social media as a real progress in the sphere of communication? This study will evaluate the theoretical approaches to Internet and social media with a focus on the critical views about access and privacy. Index Terms- Social media, access, inequality, commodification, online activity.