Paper Title
Obstacles and Challenges in Teaching Arabic Language to Students With Dyslexia

Teaching students with dyslexia across settings is challenging. Both general education and special education teachers seek accommodations that foster the learning and management of a class of heterogeneous learners. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the obstacles and challenges faced by teachers of Arabic language to student with dyslexia in primary schools on order to meet the needs of students with dyslexia. In order to achieve the study objectives, an exploratory and descriptive approach have been conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the current practice of teaching Arabic language to students with dyslexia at primary schools in Kuwait. In the study, a questionnaire, drawn up according to the professional practice standards, was used as a tool for data collection. In its final form, the questionnaire consisted of (30) sections distributed in four domains, which are:: Demographic Information � curriculum obstacles - teaching practice - school community. The study sample consists of (710) male and female Arabic language teachers in primary schools by 14.6% of the study population, randomly selected during the scholastic year 2015\2016. The study end with recommendations to improve the current practice in teaching Arabic language to students with dyslexia. Index Terms: Teaching language- reading difficulties- dyslexia