Paper Title
Examination of Teachers' Multiculturalism Proficiency Perceptions in Terms of Various Variables (Van Sample)

The aim of this study is to determine the multicultural proficiency perception level of teachers who work in National Education Ministry (NEM) and search whether their multicultural proficiency perceptions differs from different variables. The research has been carried out at 18 schools in Edremit, İpekyolu, Tuşba districts centeralized to Van center. 440 scales have been distributed and 386 sclaes have been approved as correct. "Multicultural Proficiency Perceptions Scale" prepared by Başbay and Kağnıcı, (2011) has been used as scale of the study. Alpha reliabilty of the scale has been measured as 0.92. Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) and T test have been used in the analysis phase of the data. According to results of the study, it has been found out that teachers who work in National Education Ministry have high multicultural awareness, information, skills proficiency perceptions level. On the other hand, other findings of the study, there hasn't been found any difference related with maritial status, age, professional experience, foreign experience, educational status, and program of graduation variables on their multicultural proficiency perceptions, meaningful differences have been found on behalf of age and ethnic origin. It has been found that cultural knowledge level of male teachers is higher than female teachers'. Key Words- multiculturaism, multiculturalism proficiency, multicultural education