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Looking Into The Research-Teaching Nexus In Higher Education

There is no doubt that higher education institutions (HEIs) all over the world are currently at a highly dynamic state. Clear signs of massification and increased emphasis on research productivity have all together influenced policy makers towards reforms in funding and promotion systems across the globe. In Taiwan, similar events are also happening. To make things worsts, Taiwan is currently facing a huge decline of incoming freshmen students. In reality, this dilemma can be thought of as an opportunity to revisit the core functions of the university and make effective use of the oversupply of academic resources. If done correctly, this should be able to uplift the quality of both faculty research and teaching. Most important of all, provide the opportunity to promote the well-being of the academic profession. In sum, as for the goal of Taiwan HEIs is to surpass the current dilemma and become a competitive provider of quality education. Academic productivity should therefore include a balanced between research and teaching; hence, a research-teaching nexus (R-T-N) is inevitable. Index Terms- higher education, teaching profession, education policy,