Paper Title
The Development Of Promoting Model For Sustainable Behavior Conformability With Thai Value And Culture

This study had 3 objectives: 1) to analyze and synthesize the research in Koh Wai and Nong Mak Fai community; 2) to study the factors affected Thai valuable and cultural behavior; and 3) to develop promoting model of sustainable Thai valuable and cultural behavior. The ethnography meta-analysis was applied based on interactionism model. The 6 research reports were analyses and syntheses depended on causal relationship model. The research revealed there had 3 factors affecting Thai valuable and cultural behavior: 1) psychological factor, believe and value of Thai Phuan; 2) situation factor, Thai Phuan traditional way of life, social norms, tradition, and culture of Thai Phuan; 3) psycho-situation factor, positively affective on Thai valuable and cultural behavior. Thai valuable and cultural behavior consisted of 6 factors: aggregation, learning of tradition way of life, learning of Thai Phuan culture, learning of Thai Phuan cultural conservation, inheritance of Thai Phuan culture, and dissemination of the Thai Phuan. The promoting model of sustainable Thai valuable and cultural behavior developed was ongoing promotion of the three causal factors affecting sustainable Thai valuable and cultural behavior.