Paper Title
Ontology Construction In A Historical Collection: A Study On George Leslie Mackay�s Diary Collection

This paper discusses the automatic ontology construction process in a historical collection. Traditional automatic ontology construction uses hierarchical clustering to group similar terms, and the result hierarchy is usually not satisfactory for human�s recognition. Human-provided knowledge network presents strong semantic features, but this generation process is both labor-intensive and inconsistent under large scale scenario. The method proposed in this paper combines the statistical correction and latent topic extraction of textual data in a historical collection, which produces a semantic-oriented and OWL-based ontology. The experimental document collection used here is the George Leslie Mackay�s Diary Collection, which served as a collection in nineteenth century about social, natural, ethnic aspects of Taiwan, also as a precious reference of the missions that were part of heyday of the Western effort to Christianize the Far East. The ontology construction process is described and a final ontology in OWL format is shown in our result. Keywords- George Leslie Mackay, ontology, semantic web, latent topic, knowledge representation.