Paper Title
Human Blood Group Anti D Antibody Enhances The Activity Of Hemorrhagic Virus Isolated From The Foot Lesion Of A Cow

This study has warranted for proposing a hypothesis that anti-D antibodies may enhance infectivity of hemorrhagic virus (virus was not characterized but lysed RBCs so termed as hemorrhagic virus) which may refer a novel mechanism of antibody dependent enhancement. Samples were taken from the lesions in the mouth and on the hoof of infected cows (disease symptoms were related to Foot and Mouth disease). Virus was isolated from filter sterilized samples. To determine the molecular interaction between virus and human RBCs hemolytic assay was performed. Serums of different blood groups were assayed for hemolysis. Observations proved that anti-D anti bodies enhances the virus mediated Hemolysis. Keywords- Anti D antibody, Hemorrhagic Virus, Foot lesion of cow.