Paper Title
Challenges to Inclusive Leadership in Developing School Climate in Indonesia

Inclusive leadership in schools is necessary to support a positive school climate. This study aims to examine the challenges and barriers in implementing inclusive leadership in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study used descriptive research involving 78 principals and teachers, consisting of 59 principals and 19 teachers, divided into 5 districts. Data were collected through questionnaires filled out by all participants, and FGDs were conducted to gather deeper data represented by 10 participants. The findings indicated that schools in Yogyakarta have demonstrated commendable implementation of inclusive leadership practices to foster a positive school climate. However, there are still some aspects that are a challenge in the practice of inclusive leadership, so schools can improve inclusive leadership in aspects that have not been maximized. Future research can conduct similar research in other provinces in order to provide input to schools in implementing inclusive leadership and creating a positive school environment. Keywords - Inclusive Leadership, Inclusive Leadership in Indonesia, School Climate.