Paper Title
Assessment of Physico – Chemical Parameters of a Freshwater Fish Pond in Bheel Dudhi Village of Dharampuri – Tehsil, Dhar - District (Madhya Pradesh) in Relation with Fish Farming

Life on the earth is never possible without water. It is an vital and important gift of the environment for the living beings. Production of fish in any freshwater system depends upon many factors. Present study deals with the assessment of physico – chemical characteristics of a village pond located dudhi vilage . The 18 parameters like water colour , Temperature , pH , Turbidity , Transparency , dissolved oxygen , carbon dioxide , carbonate alkalinity , bicarbonate alkalinity , total hardness , chloride , Biological oxygen demand , chemical oxygen demand , Total dissoloved solids , Total suspended solids , Phosphates , Nitrate/Nitrogen , Sulphates , fluorides and magnesium were analyzed for aquaculture to determine the potential of the pond for aquaculture development . All these parameters have an important role in fish production . For the good production these parameters should be in an optimum/standard range . The values of these physicochemical parameters during the study period were observed as water colour( light green ) , Temperature (25 degree – 31 degree celcius) , pH (7.6 – 8.8) , Turbidity ( 25 – 72 NTU ) , Transparenc ( 12 cm – 65 cm ) , dissolved oxygen( 5.3 Mg/L – 9.4 Mg/L) , carbon dioxide( Nil – 4Mg/L) , carbonate alkalinity (12 – 60 Mg/L) , bicarbonate alkalinity ( 79 – 220 Mg/L) , total hardness ( 90 – 284 Mg/L) , chloride ( 15 – 150 Mg/L) , Biological oxygen demand ( 1.5 – 4.5 Mg/L) , chemical oxygen demand ( 18 – 58 Mg/L) , Total dissolved solids ( 35 – 260 Mg/L) , Total suspended solids (40 – 280 Mg/L) , Phosphates ( 0.2 – 0.4 Mg/L) , Nitrate/Nitrogen ( 0.3 – 2.0 Mg/L) , Sulphates ( 4.0 – 130 Mg/L) , fluorides and magnesium. Results obtained suggested that pond could be used for aquaculture activity . All the observed values were with the Standard values suggested by Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) . The physico – chemical properties of this pond were assessed during May 2022 to February 2023 by Monitoring and checking the water quality at 3 different locations marked in the pond named as location – I , location – II , Location – III respectively . Poor Physiochemical characteristics can result in poor production and economic loss. It is compulsory to have a knowledge about the standard level of these parameters , before using it for fish production . Water samples were collected from all the three different sites from the pond and are analyzed /studied using applying standard Laboratory methods and procedures . The present study observations suggests that the fish culture in this freshwater pond in Dharampuri Tehsil at Bheel dudhi village is good to takeup for fish culture activities . Keywords - Water Quality, Village Pond, Physico – Chemical Parameters, Dharampuri.