Paper Title
Development of Competitive Algal Growth Model Applicable to Various Nutrient Concentrations for Cyanobacterial Blooms Suppression

The algal blooms outbreak in lakes has caused severe water safe problems worldwide due to eutrophication. Though there has been an algae growth model developed by our team, the overestimation of the amount of nutrient absorb for algae was always observed in this previous model, especially under low temperatures, due to the use of the Michaelis-Menten model for nutrient uptake term. In this study, monoculture experiments of Microcystis sp. and its competitor C. meneghiniana were conducted to examine their growth and estimate their nutrient uptake parameters under low temperature (20oC). Competition experiments were also conducted under various nitrogen concentrations and dilution rates at 20oC to explore the different nutrient uptake characteristics of the two species. Based on the experimental results, the nutrient uptake term was further derived. The result showed that the overestimation was reduced, and the accuracy of the model prediction was improved. The determination coefficient increased mostly from R2 = 0.26 to R2 = 0.84. Keywords - Cyanobacteria, Growth Model, Michaelis-Menten Model, Nutrient Uptake