Paper Title
Implementation of Reverse Logistics towards the Circular Economy for the Management of E-Waste: A Case Study from Electronic Companies

As electronic waste or e-waste will inevitably increase; the problem’s severity will be defined by how companies operate to drive transformative changes in production and consumption practices. Following directives such as the WEEE, companies are trying to adopt the principle of circular economy and reverse logistics through their supply chain to maintain their product lifecycle and the recyclability of their product.Both concepts have high relevance to transforming the linear business model into more sustainable consumption and production. This paper will describe and compare how sampled companies implement the concepts by adopting a case study approach with information collected through secondary sources and using thematic analysis to compare the findings. The findings found that both companies have put their effort to apply the circular economy, starting from product design to ensure the ease of disassembly of their product and minimizing unwanted waste; and the reverse logistic practices to keep closing the loops of their products by recycling and recovering materials from the waste. Keywords - WEEE, Circular economy, reverse logistics, electronic waste, electronic companies