Paper Title
New Mother's Consumption Involvement & Religious Subculture

Among the features included in the culture of the consumer affecting its behavior, religious is one of the most powerful factors (Shukor, & Jamal, 2013). Religious refers to the extent to which the person adopts his or her religious values and beliefs and to what extent he/she practice them (Worthington et al., 2003). Religious, as part of culture, is a dramatic feature that takes place during transition in the person’s life cycle including motherhood. Motherhood is a major transition in the woman's life whether physical, emotional or behavioral. The mother to be is high involved with her consumption process, -, brand evaluation and decision making regardless demographic or social variables(Gertner, 2014). It is very significant to see the relationship between religiosity and consumer behavior especially in a transition as central as motherhood. Does the religious mother to be accept and deal with the change in a way different to the non-religious mother? What are the main factors influencing the religious mother's consumer behavior vs that of the non-religious mother? This article examines fashion consumption by the new mother relative to her religiosity in Israel and aims to find the factors influencing new mothers’ fashion involvement in two different subcultures: religious orthodox and non-religious new mothers. At the beginning of the article, we review religiosity in Israel and its characteristics, and then we continue to analyze the transition to motherhood for the first time. Finally, we try to see if and what is the connection between these two variables. Keywords - Motherhood, Jewish Ultra-Orthodox, Fashion Involvement, Symbolic Consumption Behavior, Ideal Mother.