Paper Title
A Survey of Radon in some Drinking Water Sources of Birjand Area

Radon and its radioactive progenies in indoor places are recognized as the main sources of public exposure from the natural radioactive sources. The tap water used for drinking and other household uses can increase the indoor radon level. In the present research drinking water samples were collected from various places and supplies of public water used in Azerbaijan area which has more than 10 million population. Then radon concentration has been measured by PRASSI system three times for each sample. Results show that about 65% of water samples have radon concentration gather than 10Bq/L which advised EPA as a normal level. According to measurements data, the arithmetic mean of radon concentration for all samples was 16.238 ± 9.322 Bq/L. As well as, the annual effective dose in stomach and long per person has been evaluated in this research. According to the advised of WHO and the EU Council, just 2 samples induced the total annual effective dose greater than 0.1mSv/y. Keywords - Radon; Effective dose; Drinking water; PRASSI system.