Paper Title
Consumer Preferences and Mineral Content in Selected Spring and Mineral Waters Available on the Polish Market

Water is an important element of human diet and can be a valuable source of minerals for the body. Adequate supply of these components determines the proper functioning of the human body, proper metabolism, which helps to prevent the occurrence of various diseases and illnesses. The main objective of the paper was to learn about consumer preferences regarding the consumption of mineral and spring waters as well as the types of the most frequently purchased water from among those available on the Polish market. An additional goal was to identify the factors affecting the choice of bottled water. The research was extended by the assessment of mineral content based on the information on the labels placed on packaging. The survey of consumer preferences was carried out using a proprietary survey. The questionnaire contained 21 closed questions and a certificate. The questionnaire contained questions about: gender, age, education. The remaining part of the survey contained questions about consumer preferences regarding bottled waters. The survey was conducted in March 2017. The study was attended by 217 people, including 65.4% (N = 142) women and 34.6% (N = 75) men. The group of respondents consisted of students aged 60 to 73 years of the selected University of the Third Age. The analysis of mineral content was made on the basis of information placed on the labels of unit packages selected for water assessment. Among the respondents, both men and women most often choose mineral water (73.3%), followed by spring water (19.8%). Tap water is consumed the least frequently (6.9%). The vast majority of respondents choose still water (82.5%). Men (26.7%) choose carbonated water more often than women (12.7%). Respondents also indicated what was the most important for them when choosing water. The most important factor for both women and men in selecting water was the content of minerals and taste. For consumers, the advertising and appearance of the packaging are the least important. On the basis of information placed on the labels of unit packages of selected waters, a comparison was made of the sum of all mineral components, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates. Consumers prefer mineral water and still water. Men choose carbonated water more often than women. When selecting water, consumers are guided by the content of minerals and taste. The advertising and appearance of the packaging do not matter to them. Cisowianka and Żywiec Zdrój were the most willingly bought of the above-mentioned waters. The largest sum of minerals is found in natural mineral / highly mineralized waters: Staropolanka 2000, Kryniczanka, Muszynianka, Cechini Muszyna. Keywords - Consumer Preferences, Mineral Water, Preferences, Water.