Paper Title
Chemical Transduction Of Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofibers Containing Bone Marrow Homing Peptides And Long Motif Of Laminin Alters Fate Of Neurogenesis In In-Vitro And In-Vivo

Spinal cord injury (SCI) in humans stayed a ruining and healless disorder. Since, longer laminin motif (CQAASIKVAV (CQIK)) better mimics conformation of native region in active site than IKVAV and resulted in improved cellular response so, for the first time in this study, CQIK bounded with 2 glycins spacer and (RADA)4 as aself-assembling peptide nanofiber backbone (-CQIK) was used and compared with bone morrow homing peptides (BMHP). The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of -CQIK and -BMHP in neural differentiation of hEnSCs in-vitro, and assess the supportive effect of this hydrogel in an animal model of chronic SCI. Results disclosed that proton concentration of -CQIK has direct effect on human endometrial derived stromal cells (hEnSCs) membrane damage but not on neuroblastoma cells. However, cell viability of neuroblastoma encapsulated into -CQIK was higher than hEnSCs at the concenteration of 0.125 % v/w . Overall it seem that BMHP nanofibers were more cell compatible than -CQIK. Gene expression analysisof cells encapsulated into -CQIK and -BMHP confirmed neurogenesis, and GFAP suppression eventually through α6 and β1 integrin site and �., respectively. However, it revealed higher level of neurogenesis by -CQIK as compared to -BMHP. Although, BBB score of chronic model of SCI in rat implanted with -CQIK nanofiber was higher than control and PBS group but significantly was less than BMHP group. However, -CQIK had induced neurite outgrowth and myelination and inhibited asterogliosis. Based on our results it might be concluded that peptidic nanofiber containing long motif of laminin although induced significantly higher level of neural differentiation than -BMHP in in-vitro but -BMHP provokes significantly stronger motor neuron recovery than -CQIK and holds great promise for spinal cord injury recovery with increment of neurogenesis and astrogliosis decrement. Keyword: Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofiber, Long Motif Of Laminin, Bone Marrow Homing Peptides, Spinal Cord Injury.