Paper Title
Expression of Norovirus P Particle Chimeric-HBV Antigens as Intranasal Hepatitis B Prophylaxis and Therapeutic Vaccine Candidate

P particle chimeric of Norovirus, a 24-mer complex of protruding (P) domain combined with foreign antigen insertion shown succesfull performance in vaccine development. In this study, (P) domain were modified with HBV antigenic determinant (HBcAg and HBsAg) inserted into loop 1 (I293-R297) and loop 2 (T371-D374), respectively. Structures of P domain modelled with I-TASSER software indicated that antigens were successfully inserted and exposed on the P domain loop surface. P domain coding sequence was subsequently synthesized and expressed in E.coli. The result showed that P domain was successfully expressed, however the domain expressed mainly in inclusion body, and the soluble form was derived by refolding and characterized by EM. This result revealed that P particle presenting Hepatitis B antigen has the potential as a candidate of intranasal Hepatitis B prophylaxis and therapeutic vaccine. Keywords - Norovirus, P Particle, Purification, Intranasal Vaccine, Hepatitis B