Paper Title
An Exploratory Study On Consumer Decision And Perceived Service Quality In Islamic Banking

The paper aims to report on the perception of Muslim consumers with regard to their patronizing decision and service quality in Islamic banking. Many studies in the past have empirically investigated the attributes of perceived service quality affording consumer satisfaction and loyalty. However the understanding of specific reasons explaining why consumers choose Islamic banking and how they perceive quality of Halal (permissible) services is limited. This researchis a pilot study and attempts to explore these issues from aconservative-modern Muslim consumers segment. One focus group discussion was conducted with seven consumers of Islamic banking to gain deeper insights of the subject being studied. The participants were from Kelantan, a developing state in Malaysia. The findings of this study suggest that consumers patronize Islamic banking due to their religious commitment. Compliance with the Shari�a (Islamic Law), responsiveness, convenience, and image were recorded as factors influencing perceived service quality. Six hypotheses were developed based on the findings which may be used for future empirical study. We discuss the implications for managers as well as the limitations of study and future directions of research. Keywords - Consumer decision, Service quality, Islamic banking, Halal services, Religiosity