Paper Title
Do Hipsters Are Bad Orators: Research Issues of Communicative Personality

Researchers of hipster subculture tend to admit that it is difficult to study this culture, because its representatives tend to avoid calling them hipsters. Therefore, it is more important to carry out such empirical studies, and one such study will be presented in the second part of the article. I studied one communicative personality (30 years old, living in Riga), who positioned himself as a stylist, blogger and founder of the store. Ego-messages of this personality became the material of this research: 1) video blogs that clearly characterize the verbal communicative personality aspect; 2) interviews in publicities; 3) Partly structured interview materials. The main results of the research confirm the communicative personality features: mismatch of message and the text, communicative masks, infantilism, as well as naive elitism and pseudo-intellectualism tactics, which in no way contributes to successful orator skills. These features will be discussed closer in this paper with example discussions and formulation of regularities. Index terms- Communicative personality, hipsters, millennials, half-truths, pseudo-events.