Paper Title
The Effect Of High Performance Work System On Higher Education Performance And Its Implication On Student Preference

In Indonesia, state universities are more preferable than private universities because of its quality, prestige, enrolment of better student and performance. This condition should be maintained well otherwise private universities will take turn to take the lead. Performance is a key point to gain success for higher education in the future. Therefore, state university have to find the best way to improve their performance. One prominent system to employ related to higher education performance is high performance works system (HPWS). The aims ot this study were to investigate whether high performance work system has a significant effect on higher education performance and its association with student preference by utilizing inferential statistical tool and a review of literatures. Linier Regression Model is used to find out the effect of high performance work system on higher education performance and to find out the effect of higher education performance with student preference. This study makes a substantial contribution to the HPWS literature by confirming that there is positive relationship between HPWS and higher education performance and also between higher education performance and student preference. Keywords- High Performance Works System, Higher Education, Performance, Student preference.