Paper Title
Unveiling Islamic Culture of Conflict and Compromise in The Ideological Struggles of Bangladeshi Women: In Quest for The Elusive Women Empowerment

Bangladesh is a third world nation with ancient traditions, vivid customs and specific lifestyles. Its dominant religion is Islam although there are many other religions practiced around the country by smaller religious communities. Since Islam dominates other religions in the nation, most women are expected to act in a certain way determined by religion. Failure to do so results in rejection, mockery, verbal and sometimes physical assaults. Though women constitute half of the world’s inhabitant, their involvement in diverse activities is not equal to men, even today. The fact is witnessed in developing countries in particular, because of diverse grounds in each country. The paper assesses the role of the dominant religion (Islam) in Bangladesh, how it affects the lifestyles and the roles that women have in the nation. It explores how religion views the women’s contribution to the society, women’s roles and overall influence on the society. It explores the status quo of things and makes predictions about the future status of women empowerment in Bangladesh. Keywords - Bangladesh, Empowerment, Islam, Religion, Society, Women.