Paper Title
Effect of Training, Human Resource Development, and Professionalism on Work Performance Permanent Lecturer Faculty of Economics and Business Management Study Programmercu Buana University

This research aims to measure and analyze the influence of training, human resource development, and professionalism on the work performance permanent lecturer Faculty of Economics and Business Management Study Program of MercuBuana University, Jakarta. The research was a quantitative research. The population is all permanent lecturerswho supervised the management for S1with DT-D status.The sample collection technique with nonprobability sampling (census). The sample under study was 55 lecturers obtained based on Slovin formula. Data analyzed using multiple linear regression. Theresult of the t-test for training, human resource development, and professionalism partially have a positive and significant effect on the work performance of lecturers. F test result is known that the variables of training, human resource development, and professionalism simultaneously or together have a positive and significant effect on the work performance of permanent lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Business Management Study Program of MercuBuana University, Jakarta. The obtained test result of R2 0.380, indicating that variables of training, human resource development, and professionalism can explain work performance by 38%. The remaining 62% is explained by other variables.Recommendations of this study human resource development programs need to continue to be disseminated and implemented. Keywords - Training, Human Resource Development, Professionalism, Work Performance, Permanent Lecturer