Paper Title
Tamil Tomorrow

Tamil is a well-developed Indian language used by the people of Tamil Nadu state in India and Tamilians all over the world. The graphemes of languages including Tamil have changed over time as the writing medium and pen have changed. The graphemes of a few of the Tamil letters as used today are ambiguous. This causes difficulties to learn and pronounce the letters and words. The beginners of all ages suffer the most, in particular, the young children in kindergarten discouraging them to learn the language. To eliminate this ambiguity and make the language easy to learn, changes have been suggested in this paper. The revisedletters are called Tamil Tomorrow (TT). In addition, a methodology to convert the text to and from current graphemes to TT graphemes is suggested with a screen design. Support from Unicode is also suggested. With an automatic conversion tool and screen design, the change will take effect in the future. Keywords - Tamil language, Tamil alphabet, Tamil letters, Tamil graphemes, Unicode, Keyboard design, Tamil display, Tamil Tomorrow, conversion, language selection